In my "Fall Flavors" post the other day I forgot to mention one of my all-time favorite things about fall: candy corn. Although a chocoholic at heart, candy corn has always held a special place within me. These cherished novelties begin to appear in the middle of August, when stores are already setting up for Halloween. Their lifespan only lasts until a few days after Halloween, when they are thrown into the 50% off bin, and chocolate turkeys take their place. So when candy corn season begins each year, I know how crucial it is to stock up on this limited treasure.
Just this morning I bought a bag of Brach's (definitely the best) candy corn, and now it's already halfway empty! As much as candy corn brightens my soul, it certainly is not good for my waistline. Similar to my addiction with peanut butter M&M's, I cannot control myself when candy corn is within reach. With each handful I take I promise myself it will be the last one; until 5 minutes later when I find myself wanting more and grabbing another handful without even thinking. It's impulsive, instinctual. Like somehow these tiny, sugary morsels fulfill some biological need of mine.
Perhaps the addiction occurs because I know it is so limited. Candy corn only comes around a few months each year, so eat as much now while you still can! Or maybe it's because of the whole "forbidden fruit" concept. I know it's bad for me and I shouldn't eat it, but the more naughty it is, the more I want it! Candy corn always reminds me of Halloween and trick-or-treating--maybe my obsession stems from some subconscious desire to relive childhood innocence and carelessness? Or maybe it's just that candy corn is so darn good, it really is that addictive.
Whatever the biological or psychological reasoning behind my addiction, I know I won't be going cold turkey anytime soon. Time for one more handful...

I must agree. Brach's is definitely the best candy corn. CVS brand is also good, though.